Roth district biogas plant

The Roth district biogas plant has an electrical capacity of 380 MW. The substrate consists primarily of corn silage, whole plant silage, livestock slurry, and manure.

The reasons for applying SensoPower S together with SensoPower Flex in this plant are more uniform gas yield and the resulting high plant availability.

In addition, difficult substrates such as whole plant silage decompose better and optimum substrate utilization is achieved overall. Moreover, the use of the two products improved stirrability.

If you would like to contact the plant operators, please let us know. We would be happy to help you get in touch with them!

Referenzen Roth

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Microorganism inhibition resulted in limited plant performance. SensoPower S solved this problem. In the meantime, using SensoPower S and SensoPower Flex has also enabled plant operation that is both simple and flexible.

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The use of SensoPower S and SensoPower Flex allowed a 10% reduction in the amount of feed.

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Quicker and better decomposition of substrates that are difficult to digest together with homogeneity in the digester despite substrate modifications made at short notice.

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